Ribuan kilo ikan keli membanjiri jalan raya Kaili, Provinsi Guizhou, China Rabu (18/03). Pintu sebuah truk yang mengangkut 6800 kg ikan lele secara tidak sengaja terbuka, dan ribuan ikan keli ini tumpah ke jalan raya.
Orang di sekitar jalan raya dengan bantuan petugas pemadam kebakaran membantu menangkap ribuan ikan keli ini. Setelah dua jam, hampir seluruh ikan berhasil dimasukkan kembali ke dalam truk.
6,800 kilos of fish spilled onto Guizhou road 'rescued' with hoses and reloaded on truck
Around 6,800 kilos of catfish were scattered along a road in the Kaili Development Zone of Guizhou province after the door of the loading truck carrying the haul accidentally swung open mid-route yesterday afternoon. Thanks to a few determined workers and some extra-long hoses, however, the supply did not go to waste.
According to NetEase, firemen were dispatched to the scene and with local residents' help, the fish were eventually reloaded onto the truck.
The truck was ready to carry the fish to its destination after two hours of "rescue", which pretty much just involved spraying the road fish with water and plopping them into buckets.
Surprisingly, none were taken home in buckets.
By Lucy Liu